Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tattoos are soooo GAY! National Equality March 10-11-09

I had an incredible time this past Sunday with my friends at the National Equality March. I chanted with the awesome crowd, wrote sharpie all over myself, and walked with the hottest item at the march - my friend Will, the big gay chicken! This is me with him and my wonderful photographer, Ana :). There were SOO many great tattoos I saw at the march, and I've highlighted a few of my favorites below:

Greg got this art in Orlando, Florida. It's his very creative ode to hairdressing, with bubbles, bright colors and all. He wanted a "Lisa Frank" inspired tattoo. I mean, hell, who doesn't like Lisa Frank?
Love it, Greg!!

Next we have Athena with her tribute to her namesake, the goddess Athena, by representing Athena's owl mascot. The design is based on an old greek coin that can still be seen on some euros. She got this done at Great Southern Tattoo in College Park, MD .
This is Mikey Corona of Chicago Free Press. Mikey has a really awesome tattoo. It looks like this:
This was done in Chicago, and it is a "deconstructed crown" that represents his interdisciplinary degree from school and his interdisciplinary life in general. I love this tattoo because it is simple yet the solid colors and black lines make a bold statement. I saw a lot of myself in this tattoo as well, meaning it reads very well. OKAY, Mikey Corona!

Holy literary tattoos!!!!! Ally from Knoxville, TN has the mother load (is that the phrase?)... anyway she has a lot of them.

Tributes to Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, Where the Wild Things Are, The Giving Tree, and more. I think the message is clear - read more, people. Read more.

Reychl got her bright artwork done up in Michigan, and it has a great story behind it. She used to eat Nerd Ice Cream Blizzards with her mom and sister and have food fights. She's always had fond memories with this dessert, and it makes for a very interesting tattoo. The cupcakes represent her tradition of making new friends cupcakes in college. Cute :)

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